Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crying Yourself to Sleep

I never understood how one can cry oneself to sleep.  I don't know about everyone else, but when I cry, my nose gets all stuffed up and then it's incredibly difficult to breathe.  And when I can't breathe, I find that I also cannot sleep very well.  It's kind of like when I'm sick and you have a stuffy nose... it's hard to sleep.  So what's the deal with crying yourself to sleep?  I guess it's just an expression... for crying right before you go to sleep and then falling asleep from exhaustion after you stop crying and can breathe again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clouds in California!

A couple of weeks ago it rained pretty hard.  There were thunderstorms and everything.  And since this is a rarity in California, I had to go outside at sunset and take pictures of the sky.  Because there are never clouds in California... but clouds make the sunsets so much prettier.  See how they reflect the red like that?  So pretty...

On a completely different track, today at the grocery store we saw these "Medium Tomatoes."  Those aren't medium... they're Ginormous Tomatoes.