Saturday, March 19, 2011

Making of my Kirby Chess Set: Part 2

I finished the evil side of my Kirby chess set! For the Kirby side, see Part 1. This side was a lot more colorful and a lot more difficult to make, since all of the pieces were different!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making of my Kirby Chess Set

I made a Kirby chess set out of polymer clay.  The idea actually came a few years ago, when I was watching my friend play chess and doodling at the same time.  I ended up drawing each of the pieces as Kirby.  My friend reminded me of this recently, and he told me I should actually build the chess set.

To make the pieces, I rolled balls of aluminum foil as the centers, and used polymer clay around it.  The bases were polymer clay circles with nickle-sized openings in the bottom.  I waited until I sculpted all the pieces to paint the faces on.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crying Yourself to Sleep

I never understood how one can cry oneself to sleep.  I don't know about everyone else, but when I cry, my nose gets all stuffed up and then it's incredibly difficult to breathe.  And when I can't breathe, I find that I also cannot sleep very well.  It's kind of like when I'm sick and you have a stuffy nose... it's hard to sleep.  So what's the deal with crying yourself to sleep?  I guess it's just an expression... for crying right before you go to sleep and then falling asleep from exhaustion after you stop crying and can breathe again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clouds in California!

A couple of weeks ago it rained pretty hard.  There were thunderstorms and everything.  And since this is a rarity in California, I had to go outside at sunset and take pictures of the sky.  Because there are never clouds in California... but clouds make the sunsets so much prettier.  See how they reflect the red like that?  So pretty...

On a completely different track, today at the grocery store we saw these "Medium Tomatoes."  Those aren't medium... they're Ginormous Tomatoes.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mystery picture!

Guess what this is!
When my dad saw it on my camera, his guess was an exploding helicopter.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I took this picture a while ago. I had been playing with my dog outside, and suddenly he sprinted into the chicken wire of my mom's garden. As he got there, I noticed a the fluttering of a bird's wings in the chicken wire. I was too late to stop my dog as he jumped in and grabbed the bird in his mouth. I ran and untangled my dog; he was holding the bird in his mouth triumphantly, refusing to let go. After a while, I finally got the bird out of his mouth. I had thought that maybe there was a chance for it, but then I realized that what was in my dog's mouth was only the body of the bird, and the head was still in the chicken wire.
So I gathered both parts... and then took pictures. I was a little fascinated with how it looked... but that's not what I was going to write about today.

What I wanted to write about is how suddenly death can come. For that bird, it probably had no idea that it would die a few seconds after landing in the garden. It was living its normal life, ready to do other things in the near future, and then WHAM and it was dead. It can happen like that with us too... we make plans with our friends for next week, but sometimes death comes suddenly and without warning, and those plans never happen. It's a little sad... but I guess that's why it's important to live life as it comes... If you're happy in the present, then there will be no regrets for you or the people you leave behind.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Maxim Grapefruit!

I was at my grandma's house picking grapefruits off her tree, and I got this huge grapefruit:

That's my hand holding it. It was really big and kinda flatish. So naturally, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was the following (it just needed a few modifications colorwise...):

Yay Photoshop. Anyway, it's a huge grapefruit. I wonder if it's tasty.