Saturday, March 19, 2011

Making of my Kirby Chess Set: Part 2

I finished the evil side of my Kirby chess set! For the Kirby side, see Part 1. This side was a lot more colorful and a lot more difficult to make, since all of the pieces were different!

Since I learned last time that it's difficult to hold the pieces level upside down while pouring lead in, I decided to completely make the bases first and then glue the pieces on afterwards.
I made black bases with black felt for the bad guys. Same method of making them as for the Kirby guys.
Then I made all of the pieces out of clay before gluing them on the bases and painting their faces.
The pawns were Waddle Dees (the easiest of the bad guys).
The rooks were Whispy Woods.
The knights were going to be hard. I made them Meta Knights. The knights have to be taller though, and since Meta Knight is about the same size as Kirby, I had to design it so the sword would be held up and make the entire piece taller. The sword is a paper clip piece with clay wrapped around it, and I made each part individually and then connected them all together. This is also the only piece where I didn't need to paint on the face, because I put clay eyes on him before putting the mask on.
Because there were no particularly bishop-looking Kirby enemies, I settled for Mr. Shine and Mr. Bright. For Mr. Bright, I made his sun ray things in the shape of a bishop hat, and for Mr. Bright, I had his arm up so it's kinda like a bishop hat. It looked weird with both hands up in a triangle. And Mr. Bright ended up looking like a banana, not a moon...
The queen was another piece that there wasn't really an enemy for.. so I made Kracko and put him kinda vertical with more spikes on the top so it kinda looks like a crown.
And the king was King Dedede. Lots of parts to him... and his coat has his emblem on the back too! But you can't see it in this pic.
I painted all the faces with acrylic paint again. And now I'm done! Here are all the enemies set up:
And both sides of the finished product.

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