Sunday, October 17, 2010

Crying Yourself to Sleep

I never understood how one can cry oneself to sleep.  I don't know about everyone else, but when I cry, my nose gets all stuffed up and then it's incredibly difficult to breathe.  And when I can't breathe, I find that I also cannot sleep very well.  It's kind of like when I'm sick and you have a stuffy nose... it's hard to sleep.  So what's the deal with crying yourself to sleep?  I guess it's just an expression... for crying right before you go to sleep and then falling asleep from exhaustion after you stop crying and can breathe again.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Clouds in California!

A couple of weeks ago it rained pretty hard.  There were thunderstorms and everything.  And since this is a rarity in California, I had to go outside at sunset and take pictures of the sky.  Because there are never clouds in California... but clouds make the sunsets so much prettier.  See how they reflect the red like that?  So pretty...

On a completely different track, today at the grocery store we saw these "Medium Tomatoes."  Those aren't medium... they're Ginormous Tomatoes.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mystery picture!

Guess what this is!
When my dad saw it on my camera, his guess was an exploding helicopter.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I took this picture a while ago. I had been playing with my dog outside, and suddenly he sprinted into the chicken wire of my mom's garden. As he got there, I noticed a the fluttering of a bird's wings in the chicken wire. I was too late to stop my dog as he jumped in and grabbed the bird in his mouth. I ran and untangled my dog; he was holding the bird in his mouth triumphantly, refusing to let go. After a while, I finally got the bird out of his mouth. I had thought that maybe there was a chance for it, but then I realized that what was in my dog's mouth was only the body of the bird, and the head was still in the chicken wire.
So I gathered both parts... and then took pictures. I was a little fascinated with how it looked... but that's not what I was going to write about today.

What I wanted to write about is how suddenly death can come. For that bird, it probably had no idea that it would die a few seconds after landing in the garden. It was living its normal life, ready to do other things in the near future, and then WHAM and it was dead. It can happen like that with us too... we make plans with our friends for next week, but sometimes death comes suddenly and without warning, and those plans never happen. It's a little sad... but I guess that's why it's important to live life as it comes... If you're happy in the present, then there will be no regrets for you or the people you leave behind.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Maxim Grapefruit!

I was at my grandma's house picking grapefruits off her tree, and I got this huge grapefruit:

That's my hand holding it. It was really big and kinda flatish. So naturally, the first thing that came to my mind when I saw it was the following (it just needed a few modifications colorwise...):

Yay Photoshop. Anyway, it's a huge grapefruit. I wonder if it's tasty.

Monday, June 28, 2010

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.

That is the best first line of a book ever. I remember in high school, my English teacher told us that the first line of a novel is the most important part, because it sets up the entire novel and captures the reader's attention. This first line certainly got me in the right mindset for reading the rest of the book. I have had the original first line ("It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.") memorized since 7th grade, which made this one all the better.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, you should read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. It's infinitely better if you've read Pride and Prejudice, since it takes a lot of the original novel and then changes parts. It works surprisingly well.

I actually don't know which book I like better (I'm secretly a romantic.. sometimes). I really liked Pride and Prejudice and both of the movies, but Pride and Prejudice and Zombies has everything that a bestseller should. It appeals to everyone! It has romance for girls, zombies and ninjas for guys, and it even has literary merit for the English teachers (complete with discussion questions at the end)! It almost makes me enjoy English. Almost.

Anyway, go read it. Then we can discuss.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This is a little ironic

Vicic: The best types of brainstormers are housewives and marketers. Uneducated housewives. Educated ones know too much.
Dave: I knew there was an argument against education! I just had to get to the end of my four years at college before learning it.

Ah, the things we learn at Caltech.. ChE 110 is the best class ever.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm too tired to write my own blog

There's something about the nature of death that forces action. The idea of death, is probably not the nicest way to put it. But the raw fact is that we're all mortal, and some day, we will die. And so life is basically a story with a beginning and an end. These are facts, at least for now. Unless technology makes some major advancements, and we start to understand consciousness, but until then, we're all governed by the rules of how we age, and the limited time we have on this planet, in this existence.

As a 12 year-old, you have time, and so you have the luxury of playing the "does he like me, does he like me as a friend or does he like me more than that" game. But as we progress through the period of life, where these issues should have been solved, it becomes more efficient. "Are you attracted to me?" "Can I be your girlfriend?"

I'm not sure where I'm at... in life, regarding this issue. Perhaps it's time to be more direct, and to take more chances, and to wait less. You can't wait your entire life for a pair of aces. You'll end up paying the blinds, and eventually running out of money. And money, in this case, really is just time.

-Tyson's blog

In other news, there was lots of snow on Baldy this weekend: